General Ramblings About Whtever I Feel like

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Left in the could at sheffield univercity

Ok heer's the deal this blog is basically my pointless attempt to bring atention to stuff that annoyes or inconvineces my in my daily life, this is usually Microsoft or big media but today its the accommodation department at Sheffield's university and their penny pinching form the maintanance budget. Heres my problem i'm at uni i'm in halls and for that last to two days there has been no heating! it freezing here as the heating isn't working and its not the first or last time its happened. Basically the university knows the boiler isn't working but are not fixing it was only a few weeks ago wee got the radiators bled and enjoyed heat for a while. now it would seem its shut down completely as even the pipe feeding the radiator is cold to the touch. Its all because the uni are to cheep to fix the boiler properly as the halls i'm in are soon to be got rid of, but surely they have some obligation to keep comfortable temperatures i shouldn't have to be putting on warm socks and coats indoors really. Bassicly its a disgrace and i really hope its resolved before jan cos its hardly like i can light a nice fire in here.

Ok alttle disjointed as i pasted half in from my other blog but you get the idea im paying good money for acomodation and they are failing to provide basics like heating. If anyone reads this please leave a comement as to if you think its right for a large istitution to have such a blatent disrgard for the comfor of its students.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm very surprised that someone whose spelling and grammar are so appalling could even get into University in the first place!

11:47 AM


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