BBC IMP (will it meet expectations?)
The BBC IMP which i am egerly awaiting (as a way to get free tv) is one of these services that could be awsome but given the way the ionternet and media is going probly wont. firstly thers the drm (although because its free isnt quite as bad) Why is it needed (i know content providers wouldnt let it go with out.) but think its all on the telly anyone who wants to record it will just plug in a dvd recorder or dvr or caset if they start with brodcast flags. Anyone who wants a proper dvd will still buy one and anyone who would get it off p2p would do anyway, and those who would put it on will get round the drm anyway. Secondly the P2P delivery system grate in theory losey in pratice. ISP's block P2P , they shouldnt but they do, my isp "bandwith throtles" p2p trafic right down to 1kbs so unless they use some new ports it will be teribly slow. finally 7 day expiery on media your away on holiday for a weak and think grate ill use that new imp to catch up and waht do u know they drm wont let u watch em. However once the hacckers have sorted thess problems out and u have all bbc content frelly avlible on everything , anytime and anyware u want it will be grate.
Legal Note: I do not in anyway surport the breach of coppyright law, or the brakeing of any laws. I do however object to the use of DRM by big bussines to restrict fair use in a vain atempt to exploit their customers and maintain their out dated bussines modles, Record compaie employes u know what u have to do. Please also note opinion so is free speach.
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