bbc iplayer drm failiure
Haveing downloaded the bbc iplayer a pere to pere based service for catching up on missed programs i have been able to watch only 3 programs in over a month. why? DRM! for all the media companys talk of drm as enabling technology and all that it just doesnt work. you download a program its a bit slow and needs a restart ocasionaly but it works and as its a beta thats forgivable. than i want to play it and thers a 10 minnit wait while wmp trys to downlaod a licence before telling me thers no coonection. this i eventualy relised may be to do with me useing a router not surported by my isp so the old usb moden is fished out and instaled. then this wont coonect because i have some noise on my line and the usb modem seems to be especilay sensitive to this (more than my good qulity router) but coonection is achived after hours of trying and then a message saying i dont have a licenec apperas in the window wher the licenece down load is happening or a mesaghe saying ther is an erore and to redownload so of the 20 programs ive tried to watch only 3-4 have actually been seen and the software has been reinstaled over 4 times and all of these problems are avoided if there were no drm not to mention the other implictions of drm and its limiting factor on choice of os and media player and web browser. So in short this product has been made useless by drm and is not reedy to be in public beta let alone billed as a releas as the bbc did.