Road prceing UK
ok just read this artical on the bbc basicaly the government in the uk are planing to GPS track every car in the country and use the info to charge you different prices for road use depending on where you are and what time it is. Aside from the civil libities aspect of that which i haven't got time to go into it seems to me to be utterly pointless as way to reduce congestion as planed it will deter unrequited travel at rush hour but the long delays do that already so will serve the purpose of charging you more if you live in a conjested area than in a quiet rural area to me thats fine living in the country as i do when i have a car if this scheem combines with lower fule duty that will be just fine. however asumming thats the intention to redistribute road tax to thouse who cause more congestion and pollution it a nice idea for those on the reduced price side asuuming they do that wil probly just put it up but anyway as a way to reduce congestion it wont work. and here's why the transport systems full. the roads are full , the trains are full and the buses are full or just to painfully slow. Lets assume for a moment that everyone on the road at rush hour are not on public transport due to , cost ,or inconvenience. Now if the train (or buss) is less convenient than the hours stood in traffic they probly arnt going to use it. for those who are on the road because its cheaper the new priceing will probly level that off so they would get on the train but thats full so they cant so even if this would convince people to get off the roads they can't so its pointless. encorageing a deep social change in terms of flexible work hours and home working would work far better or just build more roads or improve public transport. for example more high teck tracking of trains would allow shorter gaps between trains I.e. more trains for more people that could be done and would proberly work (disclaimer not a expert so might not not sure what they have at the min but they got something like that in India where they know her every train is and how fast its gooing in computers so less margin for human error needed. )
So basicaly as transport network over capacity at peek times and people will still want to work road pricing just additional tax.