General Ramblings About Whtever I Feel like

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

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Microsoft Windows Media Configuration Utility

Ok heres a technical question for anyone whos out ther and know a bit about windows.

Why does the Microsoft Windows Media Configuration Utility load every time i finish listing to a podcast? Everytime i listen to a podcasdt in Wmp MWMCU as i will refer to it as from now on trys to acces the internet and call home. Y might this be if it were merly trying to find details on my media y would i lo0ok at the end and not the begining or at any random point throughout the day. also y does it not activate at the end of a song music track? So it apears to me that microsoft or some one wants to know what podcasts im listing to if you know who or y pleas let me know. by leaving a coment here or emialing if its to sensitve to talk about openly.